Home NATIONAL 21-year-old Woman Arrested for Taking a Boy Around

21-year-old Woman Arrested for Taking a Boy Around

woman kidnapped a boy

A 21-year-old woman was arrested in Imari, Saga Prefecture, for taking a teenage boy to Fukuoka City without permission.

Mine Matsuse, 21, a self-styled part-time employee from Imai, was arrested on the morning of April 30 on suspicion of abducting a minor.

According to the police, on April 27, Matsuse is suspected of luring a teenage boy onto a train and taking him to Fukuoka City, knowing that he is under 18 years of age. After receiving a report from the victim’s brother that the boy had gone out with a woman he knew, police found the victim with the suspect in Fukuoka approximately three hours later and rescued him.

Matsuse is believed to have lured the boy to a festival in Fukuoka and has admitted to the charges.




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