Home MURDER 90 year old kicked to Death by Care Taker

90 year old kicked to Death by Care Taker


The initial trial of a home care worker charged with kicking a wheelchair-bound resident to death in a senior care facility in Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture, back in May opened today, with the defendant admitting to the charges.

The accused, Hajime Kato (age 48), a former employee of a special nursing home for the elderly in Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture, was charged with the crime of fatal assault, resulting in the death of a male resident in his 90’s in May of this year. Kato was accused of violently assaulting the elderly man by kicking the backrest of the wheelchair he was in.

In today’s initial trial, Kato acknowledged the charges, stating, “There is no mistake.” During the opening statement, the prosecution pointed out that Kato, in his capacity as a home care staff member, had assaulted and caused the death of an elderly resident.

On the other hand, the defense argued that stress stemming from factors such as the demanding workload of caring for ten residents alone had contributed to the incident.

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