Home Uncategorized “JRA Policy Chief” Apologizes for Indecent Exposure

“JRA Policy Chief” Apologizes for Indecent Exposure


On October 24, Japan Restoration Association (JRA) policy chief Hayao Otokita updated his blog and apologized, saying that the posting of the photo with his genitalia was unintentional.

Response to a post from a third party who pointed out in an X (Twitter) posted earlier in the day that when he got on the scales in the nude after taking a sauna and took a photo the weight figure with his smart phone camera from above, his genitalia was reflected in the surface of the scales.

He wrote ‘I’m so sorry’ and explained the circumstances. ‘I got on the scales naked before I go in the sauna, and I lost some weight! So snapped a photo for the record’.

However, he said he became aware of the situation when a third party pointed out to him on the morning of the day. ‘I sincerely apologise if anyone was offended by the image’. He posted.

The photo has already deleted. In addition to commented on X such as ‘What are you doing? Lol’ and ‘Have you became a naked mid-aged man?’
Hirofumi Yanagase, chairman of the JRA, close ally of Otokita, posted on X, ‘Otokita, you’re too tired…’.

On October 23, Otokita was one of the executives present when the party proposed emergency economic measures to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.



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